Western medicine, Chinese medicine, health food, bio-tech product.
he high speed rotating cone-shaped impeller crush and grind the materials into smaller granules, and the granules are squeezed out from the screen for smashing and granulation purposes.
he high speed rotating cone-shaped impeller crush and grind the materials into smaller granules, and the granules are squeezed out from the screen for smashing and granulation purposes.
Western medicine, Chinese medicine, health food, bio-tech product.
A glass bodied reference electrode half-cell with a 12mm body.
Calomel reference electrodes require separate pH, Redox or ISEs for use. The calomel electrode is an Hg/HgCl system with a ceramic reference junction.
Please check your application as this glass bodied electrode contains a small amount of mercury which will prevent its use in direct environmental and food applications. The electrode is refillable with saturated Potassium Chloride ( KCl) filling solution.
Separate reference electrodes are superior to the reference half cells found in combination electrodes as they have a larger reservoir of filling solution and therefore a faster flow rate of electrolyte through the junction which provides faster response and greater stability.
The EDT Calomel electrodes have several advantages over the Ag/AgCl alternatives. Firstly they provide a longer lifetime as the internal solution does not contain Silver Chloride which, in certain applications, and particularly in acid conditions deposits in the reference junction. This reduces flow rate and eventually causes blockage. Silver Chloride references are also prone to greater instability when the internal solution is contaminated by back diffusion of the sample. A good example of this is with the use of TRIS buffers which should be measured using Calomel references.
Care should be taken to ensure you comply with environmental legislation with when disposing of used Calomel electrodes.The Calomel reference comes with a 4mm connector and is compatible with all types of pH electrode. Calibration is usually made between two buffer solutions.
The QP999 Boat Corrosion and REDOX Meter has both Boat Hull and Water REDOX modes and displays results clearly on a backlit display. Monitoring your Hull potential lets you know the condition of your sacrificial anodes and the rate of corrosion of your hull. The Water REDOX readings will enable you to locate the source of corrosive conditions including Stray DC.
The purpose-built Meter has an automatic stability indicator which freezes the result when ready. This normally takes around 30 seconds. Simply store the result in the Boat Meters memory so that you can track the condition of your Hull or the local water conditions . Reviewing this data may help to decide when to replace your sacrificial anodes or to find the source of corrosion. The Micro USB output will allow you to dump the results directly into excel for easy reference and plotting the progress of the corrosion.
The EDT RE347TX is an advanced, automatic meter, designed to give results that are both reliable and accurate. This instrument is ideal for use in the laboratory and can be battery or mains operated for maximum flexibility.
The RE347TX has four measurement modes: % saturation, ppm, temperature and the uncalibrated raw signal in pA.
The instrument may be calibrated in water or air and may be connected to computers or printers via the bi-directional RS232 interface. For field applications the portable model FE247 is highly recommended and comes complete with carry case and field kit.
The RE347 TX has a rugged splash proof case and positive sealed membrane key controls. The Classic Clark Polarographic cell is simple to prepare. Simply fill the pre-assembled membrane module with the filling solution provided and screw onto the probe body. Once connected to the RE347TX meter cell polarization is achieved in less than two minutes.
Modes available include BOD measurement and Direct readout in % saturation or ppm. The RS232 Interface allows direct printing of results or full external computer control. Automatic temperature compensation and Temperature measurement are standard.
Supplied with Probe (E8025) and Membrane, stand(E8061), Mains adapter (E8041)and 9V Battery (A3060)
The EDT E8025 DO electrode is supplied complete with a membrane cap (E8024), 30ml of DO filling solution (E8026) and has the option of being used with a BOD funnel kit (E3048) for Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) measurements.
The E8024 membranes come in a pack of 5 and can only be used with the E8025 electrode. Prior to use the membrane cap is filled two thirds full with DO filling solution (E8026). Any air bubbles are removed by tapping the side of the membrane with a pen or similar object.
Following filling the membrane cap is slowly screwed onto the DO electrode ensuring not to over-tighten and damage the Teflon membrane.
For BOD analysis the funnel kit will enable the DO probe to be used directly with standard 300ml DO bottles for convenience.
The EDT DO probe is provided as standard with the Advanced bench DO meter RE347 and the portable FE247 dissolved oxygen meters.
The E8025 is a Classic Clark Polarographic Cell and is easy to prepare. Simply fill the pre-assembled membrane module with the filling solution provided and screw onto the probe body. Once connected to the above meters cell polarization is achieved in less than two minutes.
The DO probe is made of a rugged polymer and is 12mm in diameter enabling the cell to fit in standard electrode holders as required. This cell is compatible with the optional BOD Funnel kit.
Once polarization is achieved analysis can be performed at once. The DO probe comes complete with a membrane cap and a 30 ml bottle of DO filling solution. When the membrane cap is being screwed onto the electrode body you should take care not to over-tighten and damage the membrane.
The EDT directION 4001 Reference Electrode is designed for use with the ISE flowcells for Nitrate, Ammonium, Chloride, Potassium and Calcium. This electrode has a 2.3mm bore and is not suitable for use with the Fluoride flowcell which requires Cat Number 4001/1.2.
The Reference cell is slotted into the 2 or 3 place flowcell holder with an ISE to make a working electrode system. It incorporates an Ag/AgCl reference refillable at the top of the cell by peeling back the label and revealing the fill hole.
Connection to the Ion Meter is made via a 1mm pin at the top of the electrode next to the fill hole. When configuring the flowcell holder it is important that the reference electrode is upstream. i.e. the first to come into contact with the standard and sample flow. This will ensure good integrity of contact between the cells.
The reference junction is of porous Teflon and is resistant to blockage.
The reference is already supplied filled with Saturated KCl/AgCl filling solution and it is normal for some of the KCL to remain un-dissolved. This will not detract from the performance of the system. The reservoir reference electrode should be attached to a bottle of KCl Saturated with AgCl for long time continuous operations. It is important the reservoir solution has an air access hole to prevent a vacuum forming.
For a complete system you will require a reference and ISE flowcell, a holder, a combination cable to a BNC connector and an Ion meter EDT model DR359TX.
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